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Using commands can slow down huge batch downloads (a recent computer may need from 100ms to 1s more per image)



Follow the quickstart in the official documentation from the Danbooru repository. Note that you'll need to have Docker installed.

It pretty much only amounts to downloading the docker-compose.yaml file and doing docker-compose up.


  • Create an account on the registration page, you should automatically be an owner
  • Create an API key in "Account > API key"


Install NodeJS

You need NodeJS to be installed on your machine to use the upload script used by Grabber. You can download it from their website, or from a package manager here.

Download the upload script

Download the danbooru.js file into Grabber's installation folder.

Install NodeJS global packages

This script uses the NodeJS axios and form-data packages, so you can install them with:

npm install -g axios form-data

Make sure the NODE_PATH environment variable is properly set to point to your global node_modules folder. On Windows, it's usually:


But you can check the exact path with:

npm root -g


Open Grabber, then go to "Options > Commands", and set the "Image" field to:

node danbooru.js "YOUR_USERNAME" "YOUR_API_KEY" "%all:includenamespace,unsafe,underscores%" "%rating%" "%source:raw%" "%path:nobackslash%"

Make sure to replace YOUR_USERNAME by your Danbooru username, and YOUR_API_KEY by the API key created earlier.

Open new images in browser

If you want to open newly added images in your browser, you need to edit the danbooru.js file, and change OPEN_BROWSER from false to true.

You'll also need to install the NodeJS open package, that you can install with:

npm install -g open

Last update: November 19, 2023